mango_mod Module Reference

This Fortran module provides the Fortran API for calling MANGO from outside applications. More...

Data Types

interface  C_mango_continue_worker_loop
interface  C_mango_does_algorithm_exist
interface  C_mango_get_best_function_evaluation
interface  C_mango_get_function_evaluations
interface  C_mango_get_mpi_comm_group_leaders
interface  C_mango_get_mpi_comm_worker_groups
interface  C_mango_get_mpi_comm_world
interface  C_mango_get_mpi_rank_group_leaders
interface  C_mango_get_mpi_rank_worker_groups
interface  C_mango_get_mpi_rank_world
interface  C_mango_get_N_parameters
interface  C_mango_get_N_procs_group_leaders
interface  C_mango_get_N_procs_worker_groups
interface  C_mango_get_N_procs_world
interface  C_mango_get_N_terms
interface  C_mango_get_N_worker_groups
interface  C_mango_get_proc0_worker_groups
interface  C_mango_get_proc0_world
interface  C_mango_get_worker_group
interface  C_mango_mobilize_workers
interface  C_mango_mpi_init
interface  C_mango_mpi_partition_set_custom
interface  C_mango_mpi_partition_write
interface  C_mango_optimize
interface  C_mango_problem_create
interface  C_mango_problem_create_least_squares
interface  C_mango_problem_destroy
interface  C_mango_read_input_file
interface  C_mango_set_algorithm
interface  C_mango_set_algorithm_from_string
interface  C_mango_set_bound_constraints
interface  C_mango_set_centered_differences
interface  C_mango_set_finite_difference_step_size
interface  C_mango_set_max_function_evaluations
interface  C_mango_set_N_line_search
interface  C_mango_set_N_worker_groups
interface  C_mango_set_output_filename
interface  C_mango_set_print_residuals_in_output_file
interface  C_mango_set_relative_bound_constraints
interface  C_mango_set_user_data
interface  C_mango_set_verbose
interface  C_mango_stop_workers
type  mango_problem
 An object that represents an optimization problem. More...
interface  objective_function_interface
 Format for the user-supplied subroutine that computes the objective function for a general (non least-squares) optimization problem. More...
interface  vector_function_interface
 Format for the user-supplied subroutine that computes the residuals for a least-squares optimization problem. More...


subroutine mango_problem_create (this, N_parameters, state_vector, objective_function)
 Create a standard (i.e. non-least-squares) optimization problem. More...
subroutine mango_problem_create_least_squares (this, N_parameters, state_vector, N_terms, targets, sigmas, best_residual_function, residual_function)
 Create a least-squares optimization problem. More...
subroutine mango_problem_destroy (this)
 Delete an optimization problem, freeing memory used internally by MANGO. More...
subroutine mango_set_algorithm (this, algorithm)
 Sets the optimization algorithm. More...
subroutine mango_set_algorithm_from_string (this, algorithm_str)
 Sets the optimization algorithm. More...
subroutine mango_read_input_file (this, filename)
 Reads in the number of worker groups and algorithm from a file. More...
subroutine mango_set_output_filename (this, filename)
 Sets the name of the output file that will record values of the objective function at each evaluation. More...
subroutine mango_mpi_init (this, mpi_comm)
 Initialize MANGO's internal MPI data that describes the partitioning of the processes into worker groups. More...
subroutine mango_mpi_partition_set_custom (this, comm_world, comm_group_leaders, comm_worker_groups)
 Use a user-supplied partitioning of the MPI processes into worker groups. More...
subroutine mango_set_n_worker_groups (this, N_worker_groups)
 Set the number of worker groups. More...
integer function mango_get_n_worker_groups (this)
 Get the number of worker groups. More...
double precision function mango_optimize (this)
 Carry out the optimization. More...
integer function mango_get_mpi_rank_world (this)
 Get the MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's world communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_mpi_rank_worker_groups (this)
 Get the MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's "worker groups" communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_mpi_rank_group_leaders (this)
 Get the MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's "group leaders" communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_n_procs_world (this)
 Get the number of MPI processors in MANGO's world communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_n_procs_worker_groups (this)
 Get the number of MPI processors in the worker group that this processor belongs to. More...
integer function mango_get_n_procs_group_leaders (this)
 Get the number of MPI processors in the "group leaders" communicator. More...
logical function mango_get_proc0_world (this)
 Determine whether this MPI processor has rank=0 in MANGO's world communicator. More...
logical function mango_get_proc0_worker_groups (this)
 Determine whether this MPI processor has rank=0 in MANGO's "worker groups" communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_mpi_comm_world (this)
 Get MANGO's "world" MPI communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_mpi_comm_worker_groups (this)
 Get MANGO's "worker groups" MPI communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_mpi_comm_group_leaders (this)
 Get MANGO's "group leaders" MPI communicator. More...
integer function mango_get_n_parameters (this)
 Get the number of independent variables for an optimization problem. More...
integer function mango_get_n_terms (this)
 For least-squares optimization problems, get the number of terms that are summed in the objective function. More...
integer function mango_get_worker_group (this)
 Determine which worker group this MPI process belongs to. More...
integer function mango_get_best_function_evaluation (this)
 For an optimization problem that has already been solved, return the index of the function evaluation corresponding to the optimum. More...
integer function mango_get_function_evaluations (this)
 For an optimization problem that has already been solved, return the number of times the objective function was evaluated. More...
subroutine mango_set_max_function_evaluations (this, N)
 Set the maximum number of evaluations of the objective function that will be allowed before the optimization is terminated. More...
subroutine mango_set_centered_differences (this, centered_differences)
 Control whether 1-sided or centered finite differences will be used to compute derivatives of the objective function. More...
logical function mango_does_algorithm_exist (algorithm_str)
 Determine whether MANGO has an optimization algorithm corresponding to the provided string. More...
subroutine mango_set_finite_difference_step_size (this, finite_difference_step_size)
 Set an absolute step size for finite difference derivatives. More...
subroutine mango_set_bound_constraints (this, lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
 Impose bound constraints on an optimization problem. More...
subroutine mango_set_verbose (this, verbose)
 Control how much diagnostic information is printed by MANGO. More...
subroutine mango_set_print_residuals_in_output_file (this, print_residuals_in_output_file)
 For least-squares problems, control whether or not to print each individual residual in the MANGO output file. More...
subroutine mango_set_user_data (this, user_data)
 Pass a data structure to the objective function whenever it is called. More...
subroutine mango_stop_workers (this)
 Tell the worker MPI processes (i.e. those that are not group leaders) that the optimization problem is complete. More...
subroutine mango_mobilize_workers (this)
 Tell the worker MPI processes (i.e. those that are not group leaders) to begin an evaluation of the objective function. More...
logical function mango_continue_worker_loop (this)
 For an MPI worker, determine whether to carry out another evaluation of the objective function or exit. More...
subroutine mango_mpi_partition_write (this, filename)
 Write a file showing the worker group assignments and rank of each process in each MPI communicator. More...
subroutine mango_set_relative_bound_constraints (this, min_factor, max_factor, min_radius, preserve_sign)
 Impose bound constraints on an optimization problem, with the bounds chosen as multiples of the initial state vector. More...
subroutine mango_set_n_line_search (this, N_line_search)
 Sets the number of points considered as a set for parallel line searches. More...

Detailed Description

This Fortran module provides the Fortran API for calling MANGO from outside applications.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ mango_continue_worker_loop()

logical function mango_mod::mango_continue_worker_loop ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

For an MPI worker, determine whether to carry out another evaluation of the objective function or exit.

This subroutine should only be called on MPI processors that are not group leaders. You can see typical usage of this subroutine in the examples. However you are also free to use your own approach to controlling the worker processes instead of this subroutine.

thisThe optimization problem.
If .true., this processor should help to evaluate the objective function. If .false., the optimization has been completed, so this processor can move on.

Definition at line 864 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_does_algorithm_exist()

logical function mango_mod::mango_does_algorithm_exist ( character(len=*), intent(in)  algorithm_str)

Determine whether MANGO has an optimization algorithm corresponding to the provided string.

algorithm_strA string to examine.
.true. if algorithm_str corresponds to one of the optimization algorithms known by MANGO, .false. otherwise.

Definition at line 754 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_best_function_evaluation()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_best_function_evaluation ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

For an optimization problem that has already been solved, return the index of the function evaluation corresponding to the optimum.

thisThe optimization problem.
The index of the function evaluation corresponding to the optimum. If mango_optimize has not yet been called, a value of -1 will be returned.

Definition at line 709 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_function_evaluations()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_function_evaluations ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

For an optimization problem that has already been solved, return the number of times the objective function was evaluated.

thisThe optimization problem.
The number of times the objective function was evaluated. If mango_optimize has not yet been called, a value of 0 will be returned.

Definition at line 719 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_mpi_comm_group_leaders()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_mpi_comm_group_leaders ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get MANGO's "group leaders" MPI communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
MANGO's "group leaders" MPI communicator.

Definition at line 675 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_mpi_comm_worker_groups()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_mpi_comm_worker_groups ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get MANGO's "worker groups" MPI communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
MANGO's "worker groups" MPI communicator.

Definition at line 666 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_mpi_comm_world()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_mpi_comm_world ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get MANGO's "world" MPI communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
MANGO's "world" MPI communicator.

Definition at line 657 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_mpi_rank_group_leaders()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_mpi_rank_group_leaders ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's "group leaders" communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
The MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's "group leaders" communicator. A value of -1 is returned on any processor that is not a group leader.

Definition at line 584 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_mpi_rank_worker_groups()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_mpi_rank_worker_groups ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's "worker groups" communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
The MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's "worker groups" communicator.

Definition at line 574 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_mpi_rank_world()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_mpi_rank_world ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's world communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
The MPI rank of this processor in MANGO's world communicator.

Definition at line 565 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_n_parameters()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_n_parameters ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the number of independent variables for an optimization problem.

thisThe mango_problem object to query.
The number of independent variables, i.e. the dimensionality of the parameter space.

Definition at line 683 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_n_procs_group_leaders()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_n_procs_group_leaders ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the number of MPI processors in the "group leaders" communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
The number of MPI processors in the "group leaders" communicator. On a processor that is a group leader, this number will be the same as the number of worker groups. On a processor that is not a group leader, this function will return -1.

Definition at line 613 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_n_procs_worker_groups()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_n_procs_worker_groups ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the number of MPI processors in the worker group that this processor belongs to.

thisThe optimization problem.
The number of MPI processors in the worker group that this processor belongs to.

Definition at line 602 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_n_procs_world()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_n_procs_world ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the number of MPI processors in MANGO's world communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
The number of MPI processors in MANGO's world communicator.

Definition at line 593 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_n_terms()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_n_terms ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

For least-squares optimization problems, get the number of terms that are summed in the objective function.

thisThe mango_problem object to query.
The number of terms that are summed in the objective function.

Definition at line 691 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_n_worker_groups()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_n_worker_groups ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Get the number of worker groups.

thisThe optimization problem.
The number worker groups.

Definition at line 546 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_proc0_worker_groups()

logical function mango_mod::mango_get_proc0_worker_groups ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Determine whether this MPI processor has rank=0 in MANGO's "worker groups" communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
.true. if this MPI processor has rank=0 in MANGO's "worker groups" communicator, .false. otherwise. In other words, the return value is .true. for group leaders.

Definition at line 640 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_proc0_world()

logical function mango_mod::mango_get_proc0_world ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Determine whether this MPI processor has rank=0 in MANGO's world communicator.

thisThe optimization problem.
.true. if this MPI processor has rank=0 in MANGO's world communicator, .false. otherwise.

Definition at line 622 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_get_worker_group()

integer function mango_mod::mango_get_worker_group ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Determine which worker group this MPI process belongs to.

thisThe mango_problem object to query.
An integer indicating the worker group to which this MPI process belongs.

Definition at line 699 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_mobilize_workers()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_mobilize_workers ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Tell the worker MPI processes (i.e. those that are not group leaders) to begin an evaluation of the objective function.

This subroutine should only be called by group leaders. This subroutine is typically called at the beginning of the user-supplied subroutine for the objective function. You can see typical usage of this subroutine in the examples. However you are also free to use your own approach to controlling the worker processes instead of this subroutine.

thisThe optimization problem.

Definition at line 851 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_mpi_init()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_mpi_init ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  mpi_comm 

Initialize MANGO's internal MPI data that describes the partitioning of the processes into worker groups.

This subroutine divides up the available MPI processes into worker groups, after checking to see if the selected optimization algorithm supports concurrent function evaluations. Do not confuse this subroutine with MPI_Init, the routine from MPI that initializes MPI itself! mango_mpi_init must be called by the driver code after the call to MPI_Init. This subroutine should be called after setting N_worker_groups and setting the optimization algorithm. This way, MANGO can change N_worker_groups to 1 if an algorithm is chosen that does not support concurrent function evaluations.

thisThe optimization problem.
mpi_commThe MPI communicator to use for the optimization. Usually this is MPI_COMM_WORLD. However, if you want to run the optimization on a subset of MPI_COMM_WORLD, you can supply the appropriate communicator instead.

Definition at line 512 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_mpi_partition_set_custom()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_mpi_partition_set_custom ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  comm_world,
integer, intent(in)  comm_group_leaders,
integer, intent(in)  comm_worker_groups 

Use a user-supplied partitioning of the MPI processes into worker groups.

Use either this subroutine or mango_mpi_init, not both.

thisThe optimization problem for which you want to set the MPI structures.
comm_worldAn MPI communicator consisting of all the processors that will participate in the optimization in any way.
comm_group_leadersAn MPI communicator consisting only of the group leaders.
comm_worker_groupsAn MPI communicator containing all the processors of comm_world, but with a separate "color" for each worker group. The processes with rank 0 in this communicator must be the same as the processes in comm_group_leaders.

Definition at line 525 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_mpi_partition_write()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_mpi_partition_write ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  filename 

Write a file showing the worker group assignments and rank of each process in each MPI communicator.

thisThe optimization problem
filenameThe name of the file to write. If this file already exists, it will be over-written.

Definition at line 881 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_optimize()

double precision function mango_mod::mango_optimize ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Carry out the optimization.

This is the main computationally demanding step.

thisThe optimization problem.
The minimum value found for the objective function.

Definition at line 556 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_problem_create()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_problem_create ( type(mango_problem), intent(out)  this,
integer, intent(in)  N_parameters,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  state_vector,
procedure(objective_function_interface objective_function 

Create a standard (i.e. non-least-squares) optimization problem.

thisAn object storing the created optimization problem.
N_parametersThe number of independent variables.
state_vectorAn array of size N_parameters, which will be used to store the initial condition. You can set the values of this array either before or after calling this routine, as long as they are set before calling mango_optimize.
objective_functionA reference to the objective function that will be minimized.

Definition at line 370 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_problem_create_least_squares()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_problem_create_least_squares ( type(mango_problem), intent(out)  this,
integer, intent(in)  N_parameters,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  state_vector,
integer, intent(in)  N_terms,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  targets,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  sigmas,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  best_residual_function,
procedure(vector_function_interface residual_function 

Create a least-squares optimization problem.

thisAn object storing the created optimization problem.
N_parametersThe number of independent variables.
state_vectorAn array of size N_parameters, which will be used to store the initial condition. You can set the values of this array either before or after calling this routine, as long as they are set before calling mango_optimize.
N_termsThe number of terms that are summed in the objective function, i.e. the number of elements in the residual vector.
targetsAn array of size N_terms, storing the target values of each residual function.
sigmasAn array of size N_terms, storing the scaling factors for each term in the residual function.
best_residual_functionAn array of size N_terms. When mango_optimize concludes successfully, this array will store the values of the residuals for the optimum point.
residual_functionA reference to the subroutine that computes the residuals.

Definition at line 416 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_problem_destroy()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_problem_destroy ( type(mango_problem), intent(inout)  this)

Delete an optimization problem, freeing memory used internally by MANGO.

thisThe optimization problem to destroy.

Definition at line 426 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_read_input_file()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_read_input_file ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  filename 

Reads in the number of worker groups and algorithm from a file.

This subroutine is used in the examples, so the testing framework can vary the number of worker groups and optimization algorithm.

thisThe optimization problem.
filenameThe filename of the file to read.

Definition at line 469 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_algorithm()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_algorithm ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  algorithm 

Sets the optimization algorithm.

Note the related subroutine mango_set_algorithm_from_string.

thisThe optimization problem to modify.
algorithmOne of the enumerated constants representing optimization algorithms. If the integer supplied is too large or too small, a C++ exception will be thrown.

Definition at line 438 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_algorithm_from_string()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_algorithm_from_string ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  algorithm_str 

Sets the optimization algorithm.

Note the related subroutine mango_set_algorithm.

thisThe optimization problem to modify.
algorithm_strA lowercase string containing one of the available algorithms, e.g. "petsc_nm". If the string supplied does not match any of the available algorithms, a C++ exception will be thrown.

Definition at line 450 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_bound_constraints()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_bound_constraints ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
double precision, dimension(:), intent(in)  lower_bounds,
double precision, dimension(:), intent(in)  upper_bounds 

Impose bound constraints on an optimization problem.

Note that not every optimization algorithm allows bound constraints. If bound constraints have been turned on with this subroutine and mango_optimize is called, MANGO will check whether the selected algorithm supports bound constraints. If not, a warning message will be printed to stdout, and the optimization will proceed, ignoring the bound constraints.

thisThe optimization problem to modify
lower_boundsAn array of size N_parameters, giving the lower bound for each independent variable.
upper_boundsAn array of size N_parameters, giving the upper bound for each independent variable.

Definition at line 787 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_centered_differences()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_centered_differences ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
logical, intent(in)  centered_differences 

Control whether 1-sided or centered finite differences will be used to compute derivatives of the objective function.

thisThe optimization problem.
centered_differencesIf .true., centered differences will be used. If .false., 1-sided differences will be used. Centered differences are more accurate, but require more function evaluations (2*N_parameters) compared to 1-sided differences (which require N_parameters+1 evaluations).

Definition at line 741 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_finite_difference_step_size()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_finite_difference_step_size ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
double precision, intent(in)  finite_difference_step_size 

Set an absolute step size for finite difference derivatives.

thisThe optimization problem
finite_difference_step_sizeAn absolute step size to use for finite difference derivatives.

Definition at line 771 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_max_function_evaluations()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_max_function_evaluations ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer(c_int), intent(in)  N 

Set the maximum number of evaluations of the objective function that will be allowed before the optimization is terminated.

thisThe optimization problem.
NThe maximum number of evaluations of the objective function that will be allowed before the optimization is terminated. If this number is less than 1, a C++ exception will be thrown.

Definition at line 729 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_n_line_search()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_n_line_search ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  N_line_search 

Sets the number of points considered as a set for parallel line searches.

The default value is 0. If the value is \(\le 0\), the number will be set to the number of worker groups. Normally this default is the best choice, in terms of load balancing. However you may occasionally wish to set the number of points in a line search to some other value, particularly for tests involving parallelization.

thisThe optimization problem to control
N_line_searchThe number of points considered as a set for parallel line searches.

Definition at line 951 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_n_worker_groups()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_n_worker_groups ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  N_worker_groups 

Set the number of worker groups.

This subroutine (or mango_read_input_file) should be called before mango_mpi_init.

thisThe optimization problem.
N_worker_groupsThe requested number of worker groups.

Definition at line 536 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_output_filename()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_output_filename ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  filename 

Sets the name of the output file that will record values of the objective function at each evaluation.

thisThe optimization problem
filenameA string giving the filename to use for the output file. If the file already exists, it will be over-written.

Definition at line 487 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_print_residuals_in_output_file()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_print_residuals_in_output_file ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
logical, intent(in)  print_residuals_in_output_file 

For least-squares problems, control whether or not to print each individual residual in the MANGO output file.

You may wish to print this information to see the relative magnitude of each term in the objective function. On the other hand, for problems with many terms, you may wish to suppress this information to make the file more readable.

thisThe optimization problem to control. If the problem is not a least-squares problem, something bad is likely to happen, like a segmentation fault.
print_residuals_in_output_fileWhether or not to print every residual term in the output file.

Definition at line 812 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_relative_bound_constraints()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_relative_bound_constraints ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
real(c_double), intent(in)  min_factor,
real(c_double), intent(in)  max_factor,
real(c_double), intent(in)  min_radius,
logical, intent(in)  preserve_sign 

Impose bound constraints on an optimization problem, with the bounds chosen as multiples of the initial state vector.

To use this subroutine, you must first call mango_set_bound_constraints, so MANGO has pointers to the arrays allocted by the user for lower and upper bounds. mango_set_relative_bound_constraints will overwrite the entries of these arrays.

There are two possible methods of determining the bound constraints using this subroutine, depending on the parameter preserve_sign.

If preserve_sign is false, the bounds will be symmetric about 0, given by the value of the initial condition multiplied by max_factor, expanded to be at least min_radius different from the initial condition. Thus, for independent variable \( x_j \), the bounds will be \( x_j \in [-R_j, R_j] \), where \( R_j = \max(\mathtt{min\_radius}, |x_j| \mathtt{max\_factor})\). Note that the parameter min_factor is not used in this case.

If preserve_sign is true, the lower and upper bounds for a given independent variable will have the same sign as the corresponding element of state_vector (the initial condition supplied to the constructor). The bounds are determined by multiplying each independent variable by min_factor and max_factor, keeping both bounds at least min_radius from the initial condition (while not crossing 0). Thus, if independent variable \( x_j \) is positive, the bounds will be \( x_j \in [L_j, R_j] \) where \( L_j = \max(0, \min(x_j - \mathtt{min\_radius}, x_j \, \mathtt{min\_factor})) \) and \( R_j = \max(x_j + \mathtt{min\_radius}, x_j \, \mathtt{max\_factor}) \). If independent variable \( x_j \) is negative, the bounds will be \( x_j \in [L_j, R_j] \) where \( L_j = \min(x_j - \mathtt{min\_radius}, x_j \, \mathtt{max\_factor}) \) and \( R_j = \min(0, \max(x_j + \mathtt{min\_radius}, x_j \, \mathtt{min\_factor})) \). For the special case \(x_j=0\), then the bounds are \( x_j \in [-\mathtt{min\_radius}, \mathtt{min\_radius}] \).

Note that not every optimization algorithm allows bound constraints. If bound constraints have been turned on with this subroutine and mango_optimize is called, MANGO will check whether the selected algorithm supports bound constraints. If not, a warning message will be printed to stdout, and the optimization will proceed, ignoring the bound constraints.

thisThe optimization problem to modify
min_factorSee description above. The value must lie in [0,1] or else a C++ exception will be thrown.
max_factorSee description above. The value must be \( \ge 1 \), or else a C++ expection will be thrown.
min_radiusSee description above. The value must be \( \ge 0 \), or else a C++ exception will be thrown.
preserve_signSee description above.

Definition at line 932 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_user_data()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_user_data ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  user_data 

Pass a data structure to the objective function whenever it is called.

thisThe optimization problem to modify.
user_dataA pointer to the variable or data structure you want to pass to the objective function. To find this pointer, apply the C_LOC function to your variable. C_LOC is available in the standard ISO_C_BINDING module.

Definition at line 826 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_set_verbose()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_set_verbose ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  verbose 

Control how much diagnostic information is printed by MANGO.

This diagnostic information may be helpful for debugging.

thisThe optimization problem to control
verboseIf <= 0, no diagnostic information will be printed. If >0, diagnostic information will be printed.

Definition at line 798 of file mango.F90.

◆ mango_stop_workers()

subroutine mango_mod::mango_stop_workers ( type(mango_problem), intent(in)  this)

Tell the worker MPI processes (i.e. those that are not group leaders) that the optimization problem is complete.

This subroutine should only be called by group leaders. This subroutine is typically called immediately after mango_optimize. You can see typical usage of this subroutine in the examples. However you are also free to use your own approach to stopping the worker processes instead of this subroutine.

thisThe optimization problem.

Definition at line 839 of file mango.F90.