Calling MANGO from Fortran

The use of MANGO from a Fortran application is described here. For a demonstration of the concepts here, you are strongly encouraged to look at the examples in the git repository.

Connecting your code to MANGO

To use MANGO from your Fortran application, you must include use the mango_mod module from your source code:

MANGO also makes use of the standard Fortran module iso_C_binding in two ways. First, integers and doubles passed to and from MANGO should have type C_int and C_double respectively. These types are defined in the iso_C_binding module. Normally these types are the same as the Fortran types integer and double precision, but if the C and Fortran types differ due to compiler flags, MANGO will use the C types, since it uses C++ internally. Second, the user_data argument to your user-supplied objective function or residual function has the type C_ptr defined in iso_C_binding. If you pass data to your objective function using the mango_set_user_data subroutine, you need to use the C_loc function from iso_C_binding to generate a pointer to your data of this type, and use the function c_f_pointer subroutine from iso_C_binding to convert the C pointer to a Fortran pointer. Therefore your objective/residual function and any routine that calls mango_set_user_data must include

use iso_c_binding

When compiling your code, make sure the compiler is able to find the mango_mod module file, which typically has a filename like mango_mod.mod or mango_mod.MOD, depending on the compiler. This file will be located in the include subdirectory of MANGO. Typically the compiler can be instructed to look in this directory with a flag such as -I <mangodir>/include where <mangodir> is replaced by the appropriate directory on your system.

To link your code to MANGO, link to the file libmango.a, which is located in MANGO's lib subdirectory. Typically the linker can be instructed to link to this file with flags such as -L <mangodir>/lib -lmango, where <mangodir> is replaced by the appropriate directory on your system.

Defining an objective function

For general optimization problems, the objective function is determined by a user-supplied subroutine with the form mango_mod::objective_function_interface:

subroutine objective_function(N_parameters, state_vector, objective_value, failed, problem, user_data) bind(C)

where objective_function can be replaced with any name you like. The array state_vector is an input to your subroutine, indicating the values of the independent variables for which the objective function is to be evaluated. N_parameters is also provided as an input to the subroutine for convenience, as it gives the size of the state_vector array. After your subroutine has computed the objective function, the result (a numberof type C_double) should be stored in objective_value. If your calculation fails for some reason, you can return a value of 1 to failed; otherwise you can return 0 to failed or simply not set failed, since it defaults to 0.

The mango_mod::mango_problem object representing the optimization problem is supplied to your subroutine as problem. This is often useful so your subroutine can use information related to MPI, e.g. communicating between group leaders and workers.

The argument user_data is a pointer to any data structure you supply via the subroutine mango_set_user_data. This argument is useful for passing information to your subroutine for the objective function, as discussed further below Note that user_data has type(C_ptr), defined in the standard iso_C_binding module.

Your objective function subroutine should be given the attribute bind(C) (as shown above) since it will be called from C code in MANGO.

Defining the residuals for a least-squares problem

If your problem has least-squares structure, then instead of supplying the objective function as described in the previous section, you must write a subroutine that computes the vector of residuals \(R_j\) described in Core Concepts. This subroutine must have the form mango_mod::vector_function_interface:

subroutine residual_function(N_parameters, state_vector, N_terms, residuals, failed, problem, user_data) bind(C)

where residual_function can be replaced with any name you like. The array state_vector is an input to your subroutine, indicating the values of the independent variables for which the residuals are to be evaluated. N_parameters is also provided as an input to the subroutine for convenience, as it gives the size of the state_vector array. Note that your subroutine should compute \(R\), not \((R - T)/\sigma\) (using the notation from Core Concepts); the \(T\) and \(\sigma\) arrays are set separately when you create the mango_mod::mango_problem object. After your subroutine has computed the vector \(R\), the results should be stored in the residuals array. The size of this array, N_terms, is provided as an input to the subroutine for convenience. If your calculation fails for some reason, you can return a value of 1 to failed; otherwise you can return 0 to failed or simply not set failed, since it defaults to 0.

The mango_mod::mango_problem object representing the optimization problem is supplied to your subroutine as problem. This is often useful so your subroutine can use information related to MPI, e.g. communicating between group leaders and workers.

The argument user_data is a pointer to any data structure you supply via the method mango_set_user_data(). This argument is useful for passing information to your subroutine for the objective function, as discussed further below. Note that user_data has type(C_ptr), defined in the standard iso_C_binding module.

Creating an optimization problem object

MANGO optimization problems (both general and least-squares) are represented in Fortran by the type mango_problem defined in the mango_mod module:

type(mango_problem) :: myprob

After such an object is declared, a general optimization problem can be created by calling mango_problem_create :

call mango_problem_create(myprob, N_parameters, state_vector, objective_function)

where myprob can be changed to whatever name you wish. You should set the integer N_parameters to the number of independent variables. The values of these variables for the initial state should be stored in the user-allocated array state_vector (which has type C_double). (As a general rule, MANGO gives the user responsibility for allocating memory.) The values of the state_vector array will not be copied or used until you actually invoke mango_optimize, so you are free to change the entries in state_vector after calling mango_problem_create. After the optimization is completed, the same state_vector array will hold the location of the optimum found.

A pointer to the user-supplied subroutine for computing the objective function is given by the objective_function argument.

For problems with least-squares structure, then instead of calling mango_problem_create, you should call mango_problem_create_least_squares :

call mango_problem_create_least_squares(myprob, N_parameters, state_vector, N_terms, targets, sigmas, best_residual_function, residual_function)

Again, myprob can be replaced with whatever name you like. The arguments N_parameters and state_vector have exactly the same meaning as for a general optimization problem. The integer N_terms provides the number of least-squares terms that are summed in the objective function, i.e. \(N_t\) in Core Concepts. The double precision arrays targets and sigmas, both of size N_terms, correspond to the quantities \(T_j\) and \(\sigma_j\) in Core Concepts, shifting and scaling the terms in the objective function. The double precision array best_residual_function will store the values of the residuals \(R_j\) at the optimum after the optimization is completed. Note that you have responsibility for allocating targets, sigmas, and best_residual_function. The argument residual_function is a pointer to the user-supplied subroutine for computing the residuals \(R_j\), and residual_function can be replaced by whichever subroutine name you use in your code.

Setting parameters

A number of subroutines are provided to set options and parameters. To set the optimization algorithm, see Available Algorithms.

In general, the Fortran API is similar to the C++ API, except that Fortran subroutines take the optimization problem object as an extra first argument, and Fortran subroutine names begin with mango_.

The subroutine mango_set_max_function_evaluations sets the maximum number of times the objective function will be evaluated, e.g.

call mango_set_max_function_evaluations(myprob, 1000)

where myprob is the optimization problem object (of type mango_mod::mango_problem). The limit you set may be exceeded slightly because concurrent function evaluations will always be allowed to complete. For instance, if this limit is set to 1000, a finite-difference gradient calculation involving 10 function evaluations may be initiated when the objective function has been evaluated 995 times, resulting in 1005 evaluations in total.

To control whether centered or one-sided finite differences are used for gradient evaluations, use mango_set_centered_differences, e.g.

call mango_set_centered_differences(myprob, .false.)

The step size in the independent variables used for finite difference derivatives is set using mango_set_finite_difference_step_size :

call mango_set_finite_difference_step_size(myprob, 1.0e-6)

MANGO writes an ASCII file containing the history of evaluations of the objective function, and the name of this file can be set using mango_set_output_filename :

call mango_set_output_filename(myprob, "mango_out.rosenbrock")

where the string can be replaced by any filename you like.

For least-squares problems, this output file can be set to include or not include the values of the individual residual terms. It may be illuminating to view this information, though for problems with a large number of residual terms, it may be easier to read the output file if this large volume of information is suppressed. This choice can be controlled using mango_set_print_residuals_in_output_file :

call mango_set_print_residuals_in_output_file(myprob, .false.)

If you wish, a separate output file can be generated containing the information about the MPI partition, e.g. which processors are in which worker group. This file can be written using mango_mpi_partition_write, e.g.

call mango_mpi_partition_write(myprob, "mango_mpi.rosenbrock")

where the string can be replaced by any filename you like.

If you wish to impose bound constraints (also known as box constraints) on your problem, you can call mango_set_bound_constraints, e.g.

call mango_set_bound_constraints(myprob, lower_bounds, upper_bounds)

Here, lower_bounds and upper_bounds are arrays of type double precision and are user-allocated arrays of size N_parameters. Note that not all algorithms support bound constraints. The elements of these arrays are not copied or used until mango_optimize is called, so you can change the lower and upper bounds after the call to mango_set_bound_constraints.

Alternatively, the related subroutine mango_set_relative_bound_constraints lets you automatically set bound constraints based on a specified multiple of and/or distance from the initial condition. For instance, to let each parameter vary between 0.5 and 2 times its initial value, you can call

call mango_set_relative_bound_constraints(myprob, 0.5, 2.0, 0.0, .true.)

MANGO's Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm uses a parallelized line search in which, by default, the number of values of the \(\lambda\) parameter considered between Jacobian evaluations is equal to the number of worker groups. This choice generally makes the best use of parallelization, but it makes the optimization history depend on the number of worker groups, and hence possibly on the number of MPI processes. You may occasionally wish for the number of values of \(\lambda\) examined to be some specified value different from the number of worker groups, particularly for tests related to parallelization. In this case, you can specify the number of \(\lambda\) values to use with mango_set_N_line_search, e.g.

call mango_set_N_line_search(myprob, 3)

By default, MANGO will not print information to stdout. To turn on the printing of information for debugging you can use mango_set_verbose, e.g.

call mango_set_verbose(myprob, 1)

You can pass any variable or data structure to your subroutine for the objective function or residuals using mango_set_user_data, e.g.

integer :: mydata = 42
call mango_set_user_data(myprob, c_loc(mydata))

The C_loc function used here is in the standard Fortran module iso_C_binding.

The pointer that you provide will be passed to your subroutine for the objective function or residuals as the user_data argument, which has type(C_ptr). (See mango_mod::objective_function_interface and mango_mod::vector_function_interface) To use the data in your subroutine, you must convert the pointer from a C to Fortran pointer using the c_f_pointer subroutine in iso_C_binding:

subroutine objective_function(N_parameters, state_vector, objective_value, failed, myprob, user_data)
use iso_c_binding
integer, pointer :: f_user_data
call c_f_pointer(user_data, f_user_data)
! now f_user_data == 42.

MPI considerations

Your code (not MANGO) is responsible for calling MPI_Init() and MPI_Finalize().

The set of MPI processes must be divided up into worker groups. This can either be done by MANGO or you are welcome to do it yourself. It is strongly recommended to have MANGO handle the division into worker groups. In this case, you can set the number of worker groups using mango_set_N_worker_groups. Then, after calling MPI_Init, call mango_mpi_init as follows:

call mango_set_N_worker_groups(myprob, 5)
call mango_mpi_init(myprob, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

where myprob is the name of the mango_mod::mango_problem object you have created. If you want MANGO to only use a subset of the processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD, then use the appropriate MPI communicator in the code line above. If you have selected an optimization algorithm that does not support concurrent function evaluations, MANGO will automatically change the number of worker groups to 1.

If you prefer to do your own division of processes into worker groups, you can call mango_mpi_partition_set_custom instead of mango_mpi_init.

Once MANGO's MPI information has been initialized by one of these two methods, methods are available to get the three MPI communicators discussed in Core Concepts, mango_get_mpi_comm_world, mango_get_mpi_comm_worker_groups, and mango_get_mpi_comm_group_leaders. The number of processes in each communicator can be queried with mango_get_N_procs_world, mango_get_N_procs_worker_groups, and mango_get_N_procs_group_leaders. The rank of a given process within each of the communicators can be obtained with mango_get_mpi_rank_world, mango_get_mpi_rank_worker_groups, and mango_get_mpi_rank_group_leaders. To determine if a given process has rank = 0 within a given communicator, you can call mango_get_proc0_world and mango_get_proc0_worker_groups. The number of worker groups and the worker group that a given process belongs to can be found using mango_get_N_worker_groups and mango_get_worker_group.

MANGO provides several subroutines that may be convenient for handling communication between group leaders and workers: mango_mobilize_workers, mango_stop_workers, and mango_continue_worker_loop. Use of these subroutines is optional. These subroutines are demonstrated in all of the examples. In typical usage, workers use mango_continue_worker_loop to wait until they are needed to evaluate the objective function, and exit when the optimization is complete:

! This code is run only by workers, not group leaders.
do while (mango_continue_worker_loop(myprob))
! Here, communicate with my group leader via MPI and help it to evaluate the objective function.
end do
! we exit the above loop when mango_optimize() completes.

Meanwhile, a group leader causes its workers to evaluate the code inside the above do while loop (i.e. causes mango_continue_worker_loop to evaluate to .true.) by calling mango_mobilize_workers inside the user-supplied subroutine for the objective or residual function, e.g.

subroutine objective_function(N_parameters, state_vector, objective_value, failed, myprob, user_data)

When the group leaders are done with the optimization, they should instruct the workers to exit the do while loop above:

call mango_stop_workers(myprob)

Running the optimization

Once parameters have been set, the optimization is actually performed with the function mango_optimize. The lowest value of the objective function is returned, e.g.

best_objective_function = mango_optimize(myprob)

The subroutine mango_optimize should be called by all group leaders, but not by workers.

Once mango_optimize has completed, the values of the independent variables at the optimum are available in the state_vector array you provided to the mango::Problem constructor. Further details of the optimization can be obtained using mango_get_function_evaluations and mango_get_best_function_evaluation.

void mango_set_user_data(mango::Problem *This, void *user_data)
Definition: interface.cpp:218
int mango_continue_worker_loop(mango::Problem *This)
Definition: interface.cpp:230
void mango_mobilize_workers(mango::Problem *This)
Definition: interface.cpp:226
This Fortran module provides the Fortran API for calling MANGO from outside applications.
Definition: mango.F90:23
double mango_optimize(mango::Problem *This)
Definition: interface.cpp:108