
Unit tests

Unit tests are implemented using the Catch2 framework. The tests are written in mango/src/api/tests. When MANGO is compiled, the unit tests are put in the executable mango/tests/unit_tests. There are many options for this executable, which can be found by running

~/mango/tests> ./unit_tests --help

The unit_tests executable runs with however many MPI processes are given to it. So, ./unit_tests runs with a single process, mpiexec -n 2 ./unit_tests runs with 2 processes, etc. The python script mango/tests/run_mpi_unit_tests automatically runs the unit_tests exectuable for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 MPI processes, to make sure the tests pass for all cases.

To add a new unit test, you can use the examples in mango/src/api/tests/ as a model, and look at the Catch2 documentation. MANGO considers the unit tests to be defined by the variable TEST_SRC_FILES of the main makefile. You can run

~/mango> make test_make

to print out the makefile variables and examine TEST_SRC_FILES to make sure it includes your new test.

Integrated and regression tests

Integrated/regression tests are incorporated using the examples in mango/examples/. Each example consists of source code in mango/examples/src/, an input file mango/examples/input/mango_in.*, a file mango/examples/input/test_parameters.*, and a reference output file mango/examples/output/short_summary.*.reference. The mango_in.* file contains 2 lines, listing the number of worker groups and the optimization algorithm, and these entries are re-written by the testing framework when the test is run to vary these two parameters. The test_parameters.* file has a list of the number of MPI processes to try, the number of worker groups to try, and the optimization algorithms to try.

Running the tests

From the root MANGO directory, you can run

~/mango> make test

to run both the unit tests and integrated/regression tests. If you want to run only the unit tests, you can instead run

~/mango> make unit_tests

Continuous integration

MANGO uses Travis-CI for continuous integration. Every time there is a commit to any branch of MANGO's GitHub repository, MANGO is compiled and linked on Travis's servers, and the unit tests and integrated/regression tests are run. If the build fails or any tests fail, the "build passing" badge on MANGO's GitHub page will be replaced with "build failed". You can also see the detailed build and test log at https://travis-ci.org/github/hiddensymmetries/mango . Travis is configured using the file .travis.yml in MANGO's root directory, and the build and test steps are defined in the script tests/travis.sh.