Typical usage


From the Theory and numerical implementation section, we see that the input quantities to the transformation are the following. To compute \(\nu\) (the difference between the old and new toroidal angle) we need \(\iota\), \(\lambda\), \(B_{\theta_0}\), and \(B_{\zeta_0}\). Also we need any scalars that we wish to transform from the old coordinates to the new ones, typically \(R\), \(Z\), and \(B\). All of these quantities must be supplied on each magnetic surface for which we want to execute the transformation.

A common situation is that these input quantities are known on many magnetic surfaces, but we only wish to execute the transformation on a subset of the surfaces. For this reason, there are two radial grids in booz_xform. First, there is a grid for input quantities, with ns_in surfaces, for which the normalized toroidal flux has values s_in. Second, there is a generally different grid for output quantities, with ns_b surfaces. The 0-based indices of the input radial grid on which the transformation will be executed is determined by compute_surfs, a vector of integers. If any radial interpolation of the input data needs to be done, it should be done before setting the input data on the ns_in grid; no radial interpolation is performed during the transformation itself. For input from a VMEC wout file, radial interpolation from full-grid quantities to the half-grid is automatically performed by the read_wout() or init_from_vmec() functions when they set the input arrays.

For the input and output quantities that vary on a flux surface, the dependence on the poloidal and toroidal angles is represented using a double Fourier series. There are three different Fourier resolutions used in the code. The input data for \(R\), \(Z\), and \(\lambda\) use poloidal mode numbers xm and toroidal mode numbers xn, with a total of mnmax modes. The input data for \(B_{\theta_0}\), \(B_{\zeta_0}\), and \(B\) use poloidal mode numbers xm_nyq and toroidal mode numbers xn_nyq, with a total of mnmax_nyq modes. These two resolutions could be the same, but they are allowed to be different in case some quantities are known with different resolution than the others, as is the case in VMEC. Finally, output quantities (functions of the Boozer angles) are computed using poloidal mode numbers xm_b and toroidal mode numbers xn_b, with a total of mnmax_b modes. This third Fourier resolution is controlled by specifying the maximum poloidal mode number mpol_b and the maximum toroidal mode number ntor_b.


Here we show how to drive the Boozer coordinate transformation from python. A similar demonstration can be found in Jupyter notebook form in the repository.

We start by importing the package and creating a Booz_xform object:

>>> import booz_xform as bx
>>> b = bx.Booz_xform()

If desired, we can set the input data directly from python, without a VMEC file:

>>> b.rmnc = [[1, 0.1], [1.1, 0.2]]

Or, we can load in data from a VMEC wout_*.nc file:

>>> b.read_wout("../tests/test_files/wout_li383_1.4m.nc")

We now have access to all the data that was loaded, in the form of numpy arrays:

>>> b.rmnc
array([[ 1.47265784e+00,  1.47064413e+00,  1.46876563e+00, ...,
       1.38298775e+00,  1.38106309e+00,  1.37915239e+00],
     [ 9.66386163e-02,  9.39656679e-02,  9.12856961e-02, ...,
       8.39222860e-04, -1.15483564e-03, -3.14856274e-03],
     [ 5.94466624e-03,  5.33733834e-03,  4.72596296e-03, ...,
      -3.90319604e-03, -3.99352196e-03, -4.08841769e-03],
     [ 3.82105109e-07,  1.56748891e-06,  4.30513328e-06, ...,
      -4.47161579e-07, -4.73285221e-07, -2.08934612e-07],
     [-3.72242588e-07, -2.86176654e-06, -6.26756380e-06, ...,
      -7.09993720e-06, -4.03495548e-06, -1.29908981e-06],
     [ 7.68276658e-08, -7.96425120e-08,  7.05128633e-08, ...,
      -9.91504287e-06, -6.37379506e-06, -2.21053463e-06]])

We can set the desired Fourier resolution:

>>> b.mboz = 54
>>> b.nboz = 32

The transformation to Boozer coordinates will be run on all flux surfaces by default:

>>> b.compute_surfs
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
     17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
     34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47],

If desired, we can select only specific surfaces:

>>> b.compute_surfs = [0, 1, 2, 23, 47]

Now, run the calculation:

>>> b.run()
Initializing with mboz=54, nboz=9
nu = 218, nv = 38
             OUTBOARD (theta=0)        SURFACE         INBOARD (theta=pi)
zeta    |B|input  |B|Boozer    Error            |B|input  |B|Boozer    Error

  0    1.526e+00  1.526e+00  1.931e-08    0    1.571e+00  1.571e+00  1.100e-08
 pi    1.527e+00  1.527e+00  2.879e-08         1.567e+00  1.567e+00  2.006e-08
  0    1.510e+00  1.510e+00  1.681e-07    1    1.588e+00  1.588e+00  1.468e-09
 pi    1.511e+00  1.511e+00  3.346e-07         1.581e+00  1.581e+00  8.609e-10
  0    1.500e+00  1.500e+00  2.377e-07    2    1.599e+00  1.599e+00  2.861e-09
 pi    1.500e+00  1.500e+00  4.647e-07         1.591e+00  1.591e+00  4.037e-09
  0    1.424e+00  1.424e+00  2.494e-06   23    1.728e+00  1.728e+00  2.405e-07
 pi    1.387e+00  1.387e+00  5.532e-06         1.702e+00  1.702e+00  1.672e-07
  0    1.419e+00  1.419e+00  1.599e-05   47    1.843e+00  1.843e+00  7.609e-06
 pi    1.313e+00  1.313e+00  1.189e-05         1.824e+00  1.824e+00  2.558e-05

(The output can be suppressed by setting b.verbose = False beforehand.) All of the output data are now available as numpy arrays:

>>> b.bmnc_b
array([[ 1.54860454e+00,  1.54995067e+00,  1.55126119e+00,
       1.60164563e+00,  1.68603124e+00],
     [ 4.76751287e-04,  2.52763362e-04,  1.02340154e-04,
      -1.06088199e-03,  3.35055745e-03],
     [ 4.55391623e-04,  2.91930336e-04,  1.55133171e-04,
      -1.24795854e-03, -1.46200165e-03],
     [-4.75912238e-16,  1.34267428e-16,  1.03266022e-16,
       1.96786082e-16,  2.22042269e-12],
     [-3.33107565e-16, -1.97079156e-16, -4.52095365e-17,
      -2.00845700e-16,  8.16904959e-13],
     [-7.15099095e-17, -1.25428639e-17,  1.70490792e-16,
       1.08711597e-16,  3.86347018e-13]])

The python module includes routines for plotting the results, as described in detail on the Plotting page:

>>> bx.surfplot(b, js=4)

For plots vs. radius, the x axis can be either the normalized toroidal flux \(s\) or \(\sqrt{s}\), and the y axis can be either linear or logarithmic. The \(m=n=0\) mode can be included or excluded.

>>> bx.symplot(b, log=False, sqrts=True, B0=False)

If desired, results can be saved to a boozmn_*.nc NetCDF file:

>>> b.write_boozmn("boozmn_li383_1.4m.nc")

Results from this new booz_xform module are identical to the old fortran77 version to machine precision:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.io import netcdf_file
>>> # Load reference data generated by the F77 version
>>> f = netcdf_file("../tests/test_files/boozmn_li383_1.4m.nc", mmap=False)
>>> bmnc_b_old = f.variables["bmnc_b"][()].transpose()
>>> print("Difference between fortran and C++/python:", np.max(np.abs(bmnc_b_old - b.bmnc_b)))
Difference between fortran and C++/python: 1.021405182655144e-14


For an example of driving the Boozer coordinate transformation directly from C++, without any involvement of python, you can see driver.cpp in the repository.

The first step is to create a Booz_xform object:

booz_xform::Booz_xform b;

All the input data can be read in from a VMEC wout file:


However it is not necessary to use a VMEC file. Instead, the input data can be set directly. 1D and 2D arrays use the Eigen package, as discussed in more detail in the API Reference.

b.mnmax = 100;
b.ns_in = 51;
b.rmnc.resize(b.mnmax, b.ns_in);
b.rmnc(3, 5) = 0.013;

You may wish to set the resolution, and choose which surfaces on which to run the transformation.

b.mboz = 54;
b.nboz = 32;
b.compute_surfs[0] = 47;

The transformation is run using


You may wish to save the results to a NetCDF file, though this is not mandatory:


All of the output data are also available directly from the member variables of the class instance:

std::cout << "B(0,0): " << b.bmnc_b(0, 0) << std::endl;